Liposuction removes localised, excess deposits of fat from specific areas of the face, neck and body (stomach, thighs, buttocks etc). Liposuction is best suited for individuals at or within 30% of their ideal body weight. For example if your ideal body weight is 60kg you should weigh no less or no more that 78kgs. Liposuction creates smoother contours and a better proportioned figure.

The Procedure
Working through tiny incisions Dr. Lovric uses a cannula or hollow surgical tube to loosen fat and remove it through attached suction. A solution of saline (slat and water) with added adrenaline and possibly local anaesthetic may be infused prior to treatment. The incisions are small, requiring few, if any stitches. In ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty (UAL), sound waves liquefy the fat prior to suctioning. The procedure is normally performed as an outpatient procedure under local anaesthesia, with or without sedation.

Swelling subsides, bruising fades; initial results appear in 2-4 weeks. Final results appear in 2-6 months. Significant weight gain can cause recurrence of fatty deposits. Liposuction should not be used as an alternative to healthy eating and exercise, but rather used in conjunction as a last resort to shift those extra kilograms that won’t budge. Liposuction can also be used as an incentive to motivate the patient to follow a healthy lifestyle.


As every patient is unique, our prices are molded to suit your specific requirements. Please view this page to CONTACT US This cost includes the following:

  • Surgeons fee

  • Anaesthetist fee

  • Clinic Fee

  • Follow up visits for 3 months after surgery.





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