Our face is the first thing people visually notice about us.

Our ears rarely attract attention when normal in size and relationship to our other facial features. However, protruding or large ears can detract from facial appearance. Children with prominent or deformed ears may suffer the ridicule of peers and a resulting lack of self confidence.

If your ears bother you or your child, you may consider plastic surgery of the ear. Ear surgery is plastic surgery performed to improve the shape, position or proportion of the ear. In can correct a defect in the ear structure that is present at birth, that becomes apparent with development or it can treat misshapen ears caused by injury. In general ear surgery creates a natural shape, while bringing balance and proportion to the ears and face.


The outcome to correct protruding ears is present almost immediately. Children accept their improved appearance quite quickly and a positive change in self esteem can rapidly develop. It may take several months for swelling to completely subside and incision lines to refine and fade. During this time proper skin care and diligent sun protection are essential. In addition the ears should be protected from extreme cold or injury.

The results of more extensive ear surgery and reconstruction may appear in phases and feelings of fulfillment will increase as the ears assume their new shape.



The cost for an otoplasty is approximately R20 000. This cost includes the following:

  • Surgeons fee

  • Anaesthetist fee

  • Clinic Fee

  • Follow up visits for 3 months after surgery

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